About Finding Kind

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Two young women packed their bags and traveled across America in a mini-van with their mothers to interview hundreds of females about the “mean girl” phenomenon. As Lauren and Molly combine their experiences and passion to uncover the harsh reality within Girl World, the girls learn about themselves, females, the truth behind the issue and our cultures influence. 



The journey is packed with hysterical moments as the girls attempt to conquer the road and everything America has to offer. While there are plenty of fun moments, their emotional roller coaster around the country reveals raw and personal stories from girls that will shock you to your core. With the goal of establishing a national school program for girls, Lauren and Molly hope to put an end to the hate and FIND KIND.


The global movement that is Kind Campaign, all started with the documentary Finding Kind. In 2009, filmmakers Lauren Paul and Molly Thompson, who met while in film school at Pepperdine University, set out on a cross country journey of discovery and education. Logging over 10,000 miles, they interviewed women and girls from all walks of life about their experiences with girl-again-girl bullying. Paul and Thompson find, among the personal accounts, universal truths about the pressures of being a girl and how that experience can take a toll on relationships with other women. In addition to the deeply moving stories that they collect on their adventure, Paul and Thompson sit down with respected experts and authors in the fields of psychology, education, and the interrelationships of women and girls.